It is THE ONLY Sport or Activity that will potentially save their life!
Because drowning is the NO 1 cause of Accidental Death!
For Every Drowning Fatality, it is reported that their another four near drowning, causing irreversible brain injury.
Once a competent swimmer, it’s a Life-Long Skill!
Swimming is a terrific exercise for health and fitness, keeping kids strong, fit and healthy
It helps fantastic lung development (great for Asthmatics!).
Research (Griffith University) shows young children’s brain development is accelerated with cognitive development.
Children who swim from a young age tend to be more self-disciplined and have a greater self-control.
It’s social and fun, and strengthens a child’s self-confidence.
Swimming Lessons should be given top priority for children, with lessons recognised as an invaluable tool to their child’s learning experiences.

Karen Baildon
Karen, General Manager of Superfish Swim Schools and co-developer and trainer of the Superfish Learn To Swim and Drowning Prevention programs, is a renowned Swimming Industry expert who lectures on Learn To Swim/Drowning Prevention and actively campaigns to raise public awareness through the media.
Karen is also a presenter and special event host and international consultant.