With drowning rates still high, as a community, we can still do more for families until we have ‘Zero’ Drownings. Parents often still have the attitude that child drowning 'will never affect them'. We know this, tragically, is not true.
There are misconceptions about babies learning to swim. Misconceptions like ‘babies can’t learn to save themselves’ or ‘baby swimming is a waste of time and money’. We know that the earlier you start your baby in a good Learn to Swim program, the earlier they become strong, independent swimmers, that could save their own life. Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children hold Independent Drowning Prevention Skills, that are only developed through regular, consistent Learn to Swim Lessons.
Another misconception we hear regularly is ‘My child can swim’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of Australian children still have very poor and limited swimming skills. All Aussie kids need to be able to swim a minimum of 200m, under 10years of age to be considered strong swimmers. Teenagers should be able to confidently swim 400metres.'
Does your 'Under 5' hold these skills? This is THE MEASURE for a high degree of INDEPENDENT Drowning Prevention Skills for an Under 5:

Independently TREAD WATER, for 30 seconds.
Independent FLOAT, with face up, for 30 seconds.
A combination of both these skills – Tread Water/Float.
Independent ’FALL IN’ and ’CLIMB OUT' of pool.
Independent 'EYES IN’ with Paddling Arms and Strong Kick, lifting head for breath and/or rolling into a float position.

Karen Baildon
Karen, General Manager of Superfish Swim Schools and co-developer and trainer of the Superfish Learn To Swim and Drowning Prevention programs, is a renowned Swimming Industry expert who lectures on Learn To Swim/Drowning Prevention and actively campaigns to raise public awareness through the media.
Karen is also a presenter and special event host and international consultant.