Water Safety…it’s a big issue for parents, particularly for our most vulnerable "Under 5’s" and especially when we live in the sunshine state.
Wouldn’t we love to see every child have lifesaving skills, before commencing school?
We need ALL "Under 5 ’s" to have strong Water Safety Skills!

Imagine a summer with ZERO fatal and non-fatal drownings!
So how do parents know they have done everything possible to ensure their children are protected this summer season? We can start with the importance of dedicated parents, who place value & a priority with the importance of making their child water aware with strong swimming skills.Always Supervise around any body of water – including baths!
Do not hand responsibility to siblings/friends or neighbours when a child has access to a pool or body of water.
Test pool fencing and gates to make sure they are compliant.
NEVER Prop Pool Gates Open!
Make sure all Parents and Carers hold a current CPR certificate.
Place an emphasis on your child holding Independent, Strong Swimming & Water Safety Skills – even if you are ‘not into’ swimming yourself!
Consistency and repetition of children’s swimming lessons are key. Swimming is a totally learnt skill. Don’t rely on a few lessons when they get to school!
Talk to your swim teacher on what goals you have with your child’s swimming skills. Your swimming teacher should be able to tell you how to maximise and fast track swimming skills!

About Karen Baildon
Karen, General Manager of Superfish Swim Schools and co-developer and trainer of the Superfish Learn To Swim and Drowning Prevention programs, is a renowned Swimming Industry expert who lectures on Learn To Swim/Drowning Prevention and actively campaigns to raise public awareness through the media.
Karen is also a presenter and special event host and international consultant.