YES! FREE Unlimited Pool Entry for all children currently enrolled in a Superfish Swim Schools Dippas and Flippas programs – and their parents and siblings.
- Immediate Family ONLY
Parents, Grandparents, Carers & Siblings ONLY to enter FREE SWIM with the BABY, TODDLER or UNDER 5 currently enrolled in our Dippas or Flippas Program. - FREE SWIMMING is available only in Public Swimming Times. Timetables available online and in centre.
- ALL children MUST be Accompanied by an Adult, IN THE POOL.
- For the Safety of all Children – Children MUST BE supervised outside lesson times, during additional swimming times.
- It is the Parent’s/Carer’s responsibility for Supervision of Children outside Lesson Times.
- We ask that you only swim AFTER LESSONS or on alternative days to lessons.
- Swimming BEFORE lessons is not permitted, under any circumstances.
- Families MUST sign a PUBLIC WAIVER on Entry
If you are planning on having a FREE SWIM – Public Swimming Waiver MUST be signed, at front counter.