Babies and young children attending a Drowning Prevention Program should be Every Parent’s PRIORITY until their 'Under 5' has attained a high degree of INDEPENDENT Drowning Prevention Skills!
Children, in particular those under five years of age, are the most vulnerable people in our population at risk of drowning. DON'T WAIT UNTIL SCHOOL!

Every child needs to develop a healthy respect of the water, as well as the skills taught to assist young children’s confidence and ability in the pool.
YES! You CAN achieve this with TODDLERS!! If they are taught the RIGHT Way!
Can your Child:- FLOAT INDEPENDENTLY for 30secs or more in rough water?
- Paddle independently, rolling onto their backs to float?
- Swim without floaties or back bubbles?
- Swim and Lift their head to breath?
- Jump into a pool - and paddle independently back to the side of the pool?
- Tread Water, with their head above water?
- Comfortably swim, dressed in clothes and shoes? (Children need to experience the feeling of being in the water with the extra weight of being fully clothed.)
2 lessons per week, with NO BREAKS is necessary to see results, starting as young as possible, leaving nothing to chance!
6 months of age is perfect to commence these classes. The earlier a child is taught these skills, the safer and more confident they will be around aquatic environments. What do Superfish Swim Schools teach your ‘Under 5’?- Breath control - take a breath before submerging in water.
- Hold their breath - while submerging in water
- Take a Breath - while paddling
- Independent Floating - FACE UP Float
- Rolling onto their backs from a submerged position
- How to reach up, grab and turn, for the pools edge.
- How to stay horizontal in the water by paddling arms and kicking legs.
- How to combine swimming and floating if getting to the side is not a possibility
- Regular lessons, dressed in full clothing, nappy and shoes.
Ensuring your baby or young child receives programs with drowning prevention activities, is the best way to protect them from drowning. NOTHING prevents drowning like ADULT SUPERVISION!

About Karen Baildon
Karen, General Manager of Superfish Swim Schools and co-developer and trainer of the Superfish Learn To Swim and Drowning Prevention programs, is a renowned Swimming Industry expert who lectures on Learn To Swim/Drowning Prevention and actively campaigns to raise public awareness through the media.
Karen is also a presenter and special event host and international consultant.