Did you know half of the kids in grade one have very limited drowning prevention skills? - Superfish Swim Schools

Did you know half of the kids in grade one have very limited drowning prevention skills?

Did you know that over half of the kids starting in grade one have very limited drowning prevention skills and basic swimming skills?

Did you know that over half of the kids starting in grade one have very limited drowning prevention skills and basic swimming skills?

There is another 25% of children who hold no drowning prevention skills. That’s a staggering 75% of our four and five year olds that do not hold lifesaving, self saving, drowning prevention skills. Did you know that for every drowning fatality, there is another 3 to 4 children admitted hospital for need drowning incidents?

These numbers terrify me. We know that our under-fives are the most vulnerable in our community for drowning. We have an obligation to make sure that our under-fives are learning self saving drowning prevention skills.

For more information, talk to our team:

Pacific Pines 5529 4343
Sunnybank 3323 3188
Benowa 5597 1311
Worongary 5530 6116
Redland Bay 3086 0131
